You are here: Administrative Tasks : API Overview : Using the API Commands in MANTIS

Using the API Commands in MANTIS

To access the API service in MANTIS, you will need to open the FORMULATRIX Liquid Dispenser API Service .chm file in your local drive. In this file, you can find a list of API commands that are categorized in Classes, Interfaces, and Enumerations. You can go to each category to see the description of the methods and parameters.

Important: Please be aware that the API integration setup can only be modified by software engineers or authorized IT personnels on your site. Consult with your developers or scientists to set up the instruments’ integration. Contact if you have any questions.



To access the FORMULATRIX Liquid Dispenser API Service .chm file

  1. Go to the MANTIS installation directory and open the API folder. Choose from the following options:

  2. Then, from the folder, open the Mantis Liquid Dispenser Integration API .chm file.

    Mantis Liquid Dispenser Integration API .chm File

  3. The default landing page will be ( Default Namespace ) Namespace section. Select the FormulatrixLiquidDispenser.API option under the Contents tab.

  4. To access the MANTIS dispensing API commands, choose from the following options:

  5. In the ILiquidDispenserService Interface, you can find a list of commands under the Methods section that you can use for the dispense process. See the MANTIS API Commands for more information.

    The API Commands under the Methods Section

Note: FORMULATRIX provides a sample code that is written in C# on how to use the API commands in MANTIS. Go to the following location to access the files: VS2017 sample code: {Installation Directory}:\Bin\API\SampleVS2017 or VS2008 sample code: {Installation Directory}:\Bin\API\SampleVS2008.


Best practices on how to use the API commands

Below are some best practices that demonstrate the most efficient way to use the MANTIS API commands, each one is followed by an example:

Note: Text highlighted in Green is the command’s description.

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